
Shedding Light in the Darkness

Monthly Archives: November 2021

The Resistance – Countering Mass Media Covid Disinformation

Many are waking up around the world to creeping totalitarianism as various governments under the guise of public safety, mandate vaccines, restrict free movement, and ignore successful early intervention covid health strategies. While the mass media continues to propagate disinformation propaganda, people are resisting. “People like us never give up,” proclaimed a banner in Rome.

Tens of thousands of people protested in Vienna on Saturday against coronavirus restrictions a day after Austria’s government announced a new lockdown and said vaccines would be made compulsory next year. By mid-afternoon the crowds had swelled to about 35,000 people.

Whistling, clapping, blowing horns and banging drums, crowds streamed into Heroes’ Square in front of the Hofburg, the former imperial palace. Symbols such as a yellow star with the word “not vaccinated” were just as ubiquitous as the terms “fascism” and “dictatorship” in the crowd in Vienna, while protesters shout slogans such as “We are the people” and “resistance,” Austrian daily Der Standard reported.

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