
Shedding Light in the Darkness

Monthly Archives: December 2021

The Resistance Part 2 – Standing Up To Dystopian Covid Tyranny

On Friday, a panel of judges with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals doubled down on their decision to pause a federal Covid vaccine mandate on bigger businesses. Brandon Trosclair, who employs nearly 500 people across 15 grocery stores in Louisiana and Mississippi reported, “Today’s ruling marks a tremendous success because the court recognizes how this mandate would impair our liberty and infringe on our constitutional rights. I am proud to be in this fight on behalf of not just my employees, but all Americans.”

The opinion, written by Judge Kurt Engelhardt, said the “mandate’s stated impetus” was “a purported emergency that the entire globe has now endured for nearly two years” – a reference to a dissent by Justice Neil Gorsuch that warned of the risks to civil liberties “when governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency.” The 5th Circuit said it “remains unclear that COVID19 – however tragic and devastating the pandemic has been—poses the kind of grave danger” contemplated by the relevant law.  

“OSHA’s attempt to shoehorn an airborne virus that is both widely present in society (and thus not particular to any workplace) and non-life-threatening to a vast majority of employees into a neighboring phrase connoting toxicity and poisonous is yet another transparent stretch.”

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